Two-stroked it!
Finally finished a solo COBDR (loose interpretation of) on my lil' 200. (The COBDR is a mainly dirt route that traverses some of CO/Rockies best terrain from the WY border to the 4Corners of AZ/NM.) I’m mainly based in the San Juans so I split it up into two separate segments, totaling around 700 miles.
I busted my foot last month (running, go figure) so really haven’t been able to run/walk/etc well, so figured this might be the best window to try this little dirtbike excursion.
Overall, the trip was great! Granted the northern sections were a bit more humdrum for a little bike (i.e. more flat/fast) than the more rocky/challenging that I prefer, but I'd still keep a smaller bike any day, especially to feel more comfortable on the rougher sections. Plus, a smaller bike gives more options along the way when I see some other dirt road or singletrack that looks worthy of impromptu exploring! That said, what the northern sections lacked in terrain challenges, they certainly made up for it in solitude, wider vistas and my innate need to see something new! Squirrel squirrel.
Perfect weather for the most part. Dodged a few scary high-elevation lightning storms here and there. Ended up getting stuck 18 miles crows-flight from home the final night, sigh, as the monsoons decided to finally arrive this year.... a 6-hour lightning/hail/sleet/pouring storm and no way no hay was I going over Engineer pass (nearly 13k’) in that (and already drenched and shivering and dusk). Rented a little cabin from a local lady who was so sweet in giving me extra blankets and even had the heater on high for me!

I’ve said it a zillion times but I really wouldn’t be so confident on this bike if it weren’t for Levi @levipeck109 AZ and Kyle (CO) who stay ahead of any issues w/ the KTM as well as my random text questions from the backcountry. Gracias x100! Nearly 16k on the little (big for me) 2-stroke! Also, still love all my usual Giant Loop gear, but that GL Armadillo bag was key for me to stick to my stock tank and also not worry about spills or feeling limited that I couldn’t go explore some side trail. Squirrel squirrel yep.
Now, onward to the MTB as regularly-scheduled :)